Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Catching up on movies

From my time at college, I've come to the conclusion that you can generally place people into certain interest categories within the realm of pop culture. People are either really into movies, books, music, television, or gossip. I know I'm grossly generalizing, but please bare with me.

Between the two other American girls I live with, I am most certainly not the film person. That pretty much applies in general to me, regardless of who I am surrounded by. While I enjoy watching movies, I just generally don't get around to it very often. Which is the reason I just watched The Dark Knight -- 5 months late. And yes, I must agree that the movie really is just as damn good as all the critics made it out to be.

I won't try to discuss what I liked the most, or why I thought it was so fantastic, as I'm sure my ideas are all superfluous and can't even begin to do the film justice (much more intelligent people than I have already given the movie its many praises). But I will say that I'm taken aback, and slightly moralized, by the hope and optimism at the end of the film, if you choose to see it that way (as I did). For an enormously large Negative Nancy like myself to walk away thinking that maybe people aren't as selfish, greedy and inherently evil as I usually think says something about the power of movies to really move people and make them think. I guess, like a friend of mine told me recently while discussing the future of journalism jobs, when all else seems bleak, there is always hope.

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