Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy President Obama day

I rushed home from school, trying to catch as much of the inauguration as I could. Of course, my pathetically slow internet made it nearly impossible to catch any of the streaming video from CNN. That, however, led me to this fantastic multimedia presentation on the NY Times website about "Obama's People." There are some really fantastic photographs in that slide show, and it gave me the chance to really see the faces of diversity President Obama is hoping to include in his Cabinet. I ended the day with some good old fashioned American burgers and desert at TGIF's. God bless America, indeed.

1 comment:

Amanda Lee said...

YAY Obama...

PS: Assistant to the President is 24 years old!? I feel like my life hasn't amounted to anything now... I have a new career goal!

Hope all is well over there!