Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A fantastic day

Days lately have been pretty good.

I've been much more optimistic, happier even, and upbeat lately. I think it's due to the beautiful weather Madrid has been experiencing lately. It's been in the 50s (F) with really sunny, cloudless days. All I've wanted to do is eat ice cream at the park.

This weekend was the big weekend before Carnaval. Most Spaniards who are really into Carnaval travel to Cadiz, in southern Spain, where the biggest celebrations in the country take place. Those who are not such great planners (like myself) opted for a quiet weekend in the city. I attended a parade and attempted to go to a costume ball, but things didn't really go according to plan (as usual). But I still had an enjoyable weekend getting much more dressed up than usual, and exploring Madrid a bit. Plus, the weekend ended with a fantastic evening of watching great films (who can argue with the greatness that is Step Up 2: The Streets?) with my best mates here. And, of course, eating lots of junk food, which will certainly be ending starting on Wednesday, when Cuaresma (Lent) begins. This year, I'll be making an attempt to give up something I've sort of become addicted to unknowingly: processed sugar.

Yes, from the Oreos and Chips Ahoy that I crave to the delicious pastries covered in sugar that I'm served at school, to sugar in my coffee and tea, it's all going adios for the next 40 days. Lent is supposed to be about determination and self-sacrifice, and I'm going to give it my best shot. Wish me luck -- I don't know if I'll have the will to say no to those scrumptious cakes they place at the table during lunchtime.

Also, after a minor technological/viral scare, I'm going to cut back on the downloads for the next 40 days. I'd rather not have another Trojan virus and think I'm about to lose all of my music and photos, not to mention having to take my computer to a Spanish tech guy to fix it (ni lo mande Dios). So I'm going to give La Negra some time to get healthy again, and I'm giving her a break from too much exposure to the crap that's floating online. I've got Season 1 of 30 Rock and Meagan's DVD collection to get me through. And I can stream stuff online as well.

Wish me luck as I embark on what will inevitably be one of the hardest Lents I will endure. Seriously, you've got no idea how addicted I am to sugar.

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